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How these former street children built a newspaper that's helping many more.


Your support will help more and more children's lives.

In the slums of Delhi, a group of impoverished Indian children have devised a way to make their voices heard and their stories told; by publishing their own newspaper, and at the same time giving exploited street children a chance to tell their untold stories.

Where your donation goes.

Donate to these children and help them expose child exploitation.

Your support will go to:

Helping these children with a salary and resources to expand their small team and let them reach un-exposed areas in New Delhi, increasing their coverage and output of untold voices to tackle and highlight the deepest level of child exploitation in New Delhi.

Spread the word.
Follow every step.

We will share the progress of their story by filming the change, we call these "Impact Stories", showing you the difference you made on this story. That's what we call true transparency!

SCIO Charity:  SC048454

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